How Much Does a New Roof Save on Home Insurance in Texas?



The Short Answer:

Typically from about 5 to 40 percent.  The biggest factor is the age that your insurance policy has listed as your roof year compared to the new roof year.  So for example, if you were to go from a 2008 roof year to a 2022 roof, the savings would be much greater than from a 2018 to 2022 roof.  The age of the roof is a rating factor each renewal, as the roof ages your premium/rate increases.

The average homeowner can save around 20% on their home insurance premium when getting a new roof. This average may vary, however, depending on various factors homeowners may see savings as low as 5% or even higher than 40%. Here are some of the factors that can affect the amount you save on home insurance with a new roof:

  • The type of roofing used will affect how much you save. More durable materials such as metal will last longer and work stronger to protect your home, therefore, giving you a greater discount.
  • Where your home is located is a major factor in how much your new roof will save you on home insurance. Homeowners that live in areas more susceptible to the perils that can damage a roof such as areas susceptible to windstorms and hail will not enjoy as great of a discount as those who live in areas not as prone to such threats.
  • Your insurance company is a factor as each brand will assess a new roof and the risks of insuring your home differently and offer unique roof discounts.

If you’re wondering how to lower your home insurance, there are many ways, but if it’s time to replace your roof, this is a great opportunity to protect your home and save in the process. A new roof insurance discount is a viable way to save hundreds if not thousands of dollars each year on your coverage. A new roof lowers your home insurance because it provides your structure with better protection and minimizes a variety of risks.

Does the Age of Your Roof Affect Insurance Rates?

Your roof’s condition and age are two factors that are assessed by virtually all insurance companies. Newer roofs in better condition are less of a risk and provide the best savings for homeowners. Older roofs can lead to higher premiums and if your roof becomes too old, you may be required to replace it or face losing your coverage altogether.

Will Insurance Cover a 20-Year-Old Roof?

Insuring a roof that is 15 to 20 years or older can come with some complications. For starters, many home insurance companies will refuse to insure a home with a roof that hasn’t been replaced in two decades without a roof inspection first. Should you pass, depending on the brand, you should be able to gain coverage. Those who don’t pass an inspection will be asked to get a roof replacement or face being dropped as a client.

Even if you can pass the inspection, however, you can expect your home insurance premiums to go up each year the roof ages.. Considering all of the harsh weather perils Texas has to face that may cause roof damage, maintaining your roof is a critical part of owning a home and keeping your rates at an affordable level.  Many Texas insurance companies will, for example, cover roof replacement up to 15 years old and then cover the roof on a claim payout schedule thereafter.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Replacement?

Yes, your homeowners insurance policy will cover the replacement of your roof, but it depends on how the damage comes about. If the damage to your roof is caused by an act of nature or is an accident and suddenly destroyed by perils covered in your policy, you’ll be covered. If your roof is neglected and suffers from wear and tear, you’ll have to pay out of pocket. Here are common threats that are covered by a standard home insurance policy that may cause roof damage to your home:

  • Wind damage from storms including tornadoes and tropical storms/hurricanes
  • Hailstorms and damage from rain
  • Lightning/fire damage
  • Falling objects including from aircraft or fallen tree branches
  • Vandalism/riots
  • The weight of ice/snow/sleet

The roof damage suffered by your home will also need to be significant enough to constitute a new roof. If you are facing damage in one part of your roof but not enough to require a replacement, your insurance provider may not fully accept the claim but will pay for the damaged portion rather than replace the entire roof. Overall, you’re going to want to maintain your home’s roof no matter what and if you suffer a covered loss, you can count on your coverage to provide an appropriate level of protection for the situation.

Average Deductible for Roof Replacement

The average roof deductible for homeowners insurance in Texas is typically a percentage of the dwelling coverage.  For example, if your home is covered for $300,000 and you have a 1% wind and hail deductible, then your deductible in the event of a claim would be $3,000. Your deductible is the amount you’ll have to pay out of pocket before receiving reimbursement from your insurance provider.

How much does it cost to replace a roof in Texas for homeowners? While there are many different factors at play here including the size of your home and the type of roofing required, the average cost of roof replacement for a 2,000 sq ft home is around $12,000. This means that on average, most Texans will have to pay $1,000 for their policy’s deductible before receiving $11,000 from their home insurance provider.

Roof Ratings for Insurance

Roof ratings for insurance are applied to roofs to gauge their durability when an object is dropped on them. Known as impact-resistant roofing, they use more flexible materials than traditional singles and come in different classes: Class 1, 2, 3, or 4. To achieve Class 4, a 2-inch steel ball must be endured by the shingle without cracking from a height of 20 feet. Class 3 ratings are applied to shingles which can endure a 1 ¾-inch steel ball dropped from 20 feet, and so on.

For reference, “golf ball-sized hail” is considered 1 ¾-inches. Ratings are applied under the UL 2218 impact test. The higher the class, the more savings you’ll see on your insurance premium.

Roof Shape and Materials

The shape of your roof and the materials used will affect your rates. More durable roofs are better protection, last longer, and provide better savings on your home insurance, but generally cost more to install. Here are a few considerations in terms of shape and materials before getting a roof replacement:


  • Flat Roofs- The least favorite shape from an insurance standpoint. Water can pool as there is no slope to displace it, causing the risk of damage no matter which material is used to build it.
  • Gable Roofs- Each end of the home has a gable, aka a peak, which allows water to easily run off. Although they are decent, such roofs are vulnerable to wind damage and may fly off or collapse during intense weather conditions.
  • Hip Roofs- Highly praised by home insurance companies, homeowners with hip roofs can enjoy resistance to wind damage, great drainage, and because of this, lower home insurance rates.


  • Wood- Susceptible to rot, infestations, and terrible against fires. Many home insurance companies won’t even write you a policy, and if they do, be prepared to pay.
  • Asphalt Shingle- The most common form of roofing available. It’s affordable and durable, but you will likely need to change it out after 20-30 years.
  • Slate or Tile- A tile roof may crack, but both slate and tile roofs are great against rot and fire with durability that is better than asphalt shingles. Getting 30-50 years out of your roof isn’t unrealistic.
  • Metal- Fire-resistant and great against all elements. You can expect your roof to last for many decades and hold up against harsh conditions. Insurance companies love them. Expect a lifespan of 40, 50, and even 70+ years.

Maintaining Your Roof and Saving Money

Keeping your roof in tip-top shape is a priority all homeowners need to make. Here are a few helpful reminders to maintaining the condition of your roof:

  • Don’t let the little things go. If you see a small problem, fix it before it becomes a big one.
  • Always use licensed contractors to do the work that you can trust.
  • Keep up with maintenance including cutting nearby tree limbs, cleaning your gutters, periodic roof inspections, etc.
  • Be sure to consider the shape of your roof and the materials used.
  • Spray for insects to avoid infestations such as termites.
  • If you do need repairs, be sure to keep accurate documentation for your home insurance claim and mitigate any damage from spreading to other portions of your roof and home. Failure to do so could have your claim denied or force you to pay a portion out of pocket.

Maintaining your roof can help you avoid the need for a new roof on your home. Either way, a roof in good condition will also help you save money on your home insurance premium. Since 2005, we’ve been helping homeowners do the same.

Roofing and insurance can be complicated, but Freedom Insurance Group is here to help. We work with over 25 top-rated insurance providers available to clients through our insurance center. Here, you’ll find that our agents provide top-notch customer service and will compare your coverage needs to pinpoint the best deal for your protection. This includes applying important discounts including new roof insurance discounts to save you even more.

Ask an agent today to see how we help our clients save an average of 40% off of their homeowners insurance premium, or get a free, no-obligation homeowners insurance quote using our online tool.

Contact Us

Freedom Insurance Group
3861 Long Prairie Rd Ste 110
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Phone: (972) 798-3769


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