Easy Ways Texas Homeowners Can Save Money This Summer

8 Easy Ways Homeowners in Texas Can Save Money This Summer

Owning a home in Texas is a joy, but it can have some costs that can add stress to your household. You can save money this summer in a variety of ways through practical methods that can make your money last longer. Not all of these money-saving tips may work for you, but we’ve packed in a good variety that can help many different households. Learn more about the different ways homeowners in Texas can save money this summer.

1. Actively Conserve Energy to Save Money

Although Texas offers some of the lowest electric rates by state, it still racks up some of the highest average costs in the nation. This is because, for most Texans, it doesn’t have to be Summer in order to have to endure temperatures that reflect such. No homeowner wakes up wanting to spend more on their electric bill, but as more people move into the state and the cost of creating energy continues to rise, you can expect your electric bill to climb as soon as the temperatures do.

There are many ways to save on energy costs for your home such as solar panels and energy-efficient appliances, but the initial costs to do so are quite large. They are great solutions for homeowners in it for the long haul, as they can help over time, but if you’re looking for easy, practical ways to cut your energy bill this year, consider the following:

  • Keep your windows and doors closed during peak hours for heat. You’ll also want to seal up any cracks and crevices allowing outside air in and inside air out.
  • Having your roof inspected can help you determine if there is air escaping in or out of your attic, causing you to use more energy.
  • Be sure to keep a schedule for your thermostat allowing your HVAC system to run less when you are not home. There are also plenty of smart devices and apps that can help you adjust the temperature in your home, some even by room.
  • Speaking of your air conditioner, ceiling fans and portable fans can help take some of the strain off, all while keeping you nice and cool.
  • Avoid using large appliances that either use a large amount of energy, heat your home, or both. Find alternatives such as cooking when temperatures aren’t at their peak or using a clothing line to dry your clothes.
  • Closing your blinds is a great way to keep heat out of your home.
  • Replace the lighting in your home with energy-efficient LED lights.

2. Schedule An HVAC Cleaning and Inspection

Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature is the top reason for spending on energy by far. On average, almost half of your electric bill is dedicated to your air conditioner usage, and in the long term, the effects of overuse can have you spending thousands of dollars to either fix or replace your HVAC unit.

Having a professionally trained technician look at your HVAC unit can help you avoid large repairs, have your system working with less of a strain, and cool your home more efficiently. The better your HVAC system is working, the less money you’ll spend on energy costs.

This is an especially useful service for newer homes looking to make their HVAC system last for years. Many homeowners can expect to pay as little as $200 per year for the service, though some technicians can charge as much as $600. These prices are averages that represent a bi-yearly plan, once for the summer and again for the winter. Be sure to shop around and find a reputable HVAC company that is capable of doing the job on time and for a low price.

3. Save Your Money By Reassessing Your Homeowners Insurance

There are three common expenses most homeowners have in common: a mortgage, homeowners insurance, and property taxes. Texas has some of the highest property taxes in the country and until you can afford to pay off your home, you’re stuck with a mortgage. The good news, however, is that homeowners can have some control over the amount they pay for home insurance.

Having such a safety net for your home and property is a great feeling. For many Texans, their homes are their largest investment, and protecting them is imperative. Understanding how to save money on home insurance allows homeowners the opportunity for serious savings.

One of the best ways you can do this is to take the time out to shop around for coverage. Different insurance brands will provide different premium rates and taking the time to discover how much your coverage costs among them can mean savings all year long.

4. Take Advantage of Tax-Free Holidays in Texas


Frugal tips for homeowners can come in many forms. The summertime can come plenty of holiday celebrations and among them are tax-free holidays which keep more of your money in the bank. The official start of summer is June 21st, but as we all know, culturally, we often celebrate a little earlier. Here are two great sales tax holidays you can take advantage of this summer:

  • May 28th-30th is an Energy Star Tax Holiday. Purchase, lease, or rent ENERGY STAR®-labeled items such as air conditioners, refrigerators, light bulbs, and more. Certain limitations do apply.
  • August 5th-7th is a great Sales Tax Holiday for homeowners with children. Clothing, backpacks, school supplies, and other qualifying items are all available without having to pay sales tax.

These are common items homeowners may need and purchase them at a discount is a great way to avoid taxes and save money. There are different stipulations to each holiday, so be sure to study up on qualifying purchases.

5. Create A Family Budget and Hold Each Other Accountable

This is a great one for families with children returning from the normal school routine. You’re never too young to learn about money saving tips, and summertime is the perfect time to teach the importance of budgeting while getting the whole family involved. The best way to save money is to simply spend less than you earn, and sticking to a budget will allow you to keep more cash in your pocket each month.

6. Keep a Lookout for Free Activities in Your City

When it comes to cultural events, restaurants, shows, and any type of entertainment, you can find plenty of it across our great state. There’s a lot of fun to be had around your city because Texans know how to have a good time! However, going out can be expensive and those costs can eat into your budget and savings quickly.

Thankfully, there are plenty of free and cheap options for you to do. This isn’t just the mundane nor the ordinary either. Stay connected with your local city’s top tourist websites as well as local influencers to keep tabs on exciting, up-to-date ideas that won’t kill your bank account. Here are a few to help you get started, likely in your area:

7. Consider Taking a Staycation Instead of a Vacation

Speaking of having fun, vacations are a great way to do so. Everyone needs time to unwind and it’s a healthy activity. We get it, sometimes you need to just get away from it all, but if you want to relax without overdoing it on the splurging, consider the staycation:

  • Uber to a tiki bar for the night and then enjoy time at a local spa the next morning to recreate the relaxation of heading to a resort without all of the expensive costs.
  • Send the kids to a trusted family member or friend and hit the sofa all weekend.
  • Book a local cabin and reconnect with nature near your home.
  • Find a local hotel or resort in your city, turn off the phone, and book a night or two.
  • Camp in the backyard with a telescope. Make smores, tell scary stories, and bond without traveling.
  • Hire a private chef or an at-home massage for a personalized experience.
  • Head to a museum you’ve never explored, book a tour and take in some culture.

You have plenty of options with the limits likely only your imagination. Gas prices show no sign of getting any lower and the cost of travel alone is a reason to consider staying close by. Find something you’ve always wanted to do near your home, support your local economy, and save while doing it.

8. Embrace Landscaping This Summer as a New Hobby

Even featuring some of the hottest temperatures in the country can keep Texans out of the heat. Though you should always take precautions such as working outside of peak heat hours, drinking lots of water, and wearing sunscreen, taking on some landscaping responsibilities can be a rewarding way to save money.

Yard work goes side-by-side with homeownership for many. For some,  it’s your therapeutic escape, and for others, a terrible chore you do just to get your HOA off your back. Rather than paying a lawn care service, taking care of your yard can instill a form of pride and cut a bill at the same time.

We Love Helping Texans Save Money

We may not be financial advisors, nor giving financial advice for that matter, but we love helping homeowners save money. At times, it’s through frugal tips on the best ways to save money. Most of the time, however, it’s by helping homeowners in Texas find the right home insurance for their needs. Freedom Insurance Group is proud to be a resource built around saving you money.

Because we work with over 25 of the top-rated insurance providers available to Texans in our insurance center, we can pinpoint the lowest price for your home coverage, by shopping your rate among them to compare. On average, our clients save 40% but don’t take our word for it. Use our free, no-obligation tool for an online homeowners insurance quote, or ask an agent how you can save money.

Contact Us

Freedom Insurance Group
3861 Long Prairie Rd Ste 110
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Phone: (972) 798-3769


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