How Much Does Colorado Landlord Insurance Cost?

Understanding Landlord Insurance Costs

Typically, landlord insurance costs around 15% less than standard homeowners insurance. Annual costs generally range from $900 to $2,700, with an average of $2,039. The cost of rental property insurance often hinges on property type, location, and associated risks. For instance, Durango in Colorado faces higher fire risks, whereas Colorado Springs confronts significant hail risks.

Whether you’re leasing your second home or venturing into property investment, adequate insurance coverage is crucial. However, higher insurance premiums reduce your returns, which isn’t the goal.

Fortunately, our team of independent insurance representatives sift through multiple policies from various insurers. Their goal? To tailor the perfect coverage for your needs without breaking the bank. By doing so, you get optimal protection at a competitive price.

Before diving in, let’s understand how insurance premiums are determined.

Decoding Landlord Insurance Premiums in Colorado

Insurance pricing models consider a plethora of risk elements, including property size and location. After factoring in repair or replacement costs, a profit margin is added, culminating in your insurance quote.

Your premiums may vary based on claims, changes in property value, or significant changes in plan finances. Keep this in mind.

Why Landlord Insurance?

This insurance offers a safety net for landlords and their assets. If unforeseen incidents like fires, thefts, or accidents damage the rental property (excluding large-scale superhero showdowns), the insurance assists in recovery.

Consider this scenario: you rent out to a seemingly pleasant couple. Yet, they invite friends over, and one trips and gets injured. Now, you’re looking at potential medical bills. This is where insurance comes into play. For clarity on landlord insurance in Colorado, consult an agent.

Types of Landlord Insurance Coverage

Being a landlord can be financially rewarding, but it comes with its set of challenges. With tenants and potential damages to consider, comprehensive coverage is essential. Speak to an independent agent about:

  • Property Damage: Safeguarding structures, amenities, and equipment.
  • Liability: In case someone is injured on the premises.
  • Loss of Revenue: Covering losses if the property becomes uninhabitable.
  • Natural Catastrophes: Shielding against major events like tornadoes or wildfires.

Colorado landlord insurance companies offer various types of rental property insurance for your property. There are more basic forms of coverage that protect against less and more advanced coverages that offer a wider range of protection. Here are your options:

  • Colorado DP-1 offers the least amount of coverage. This dwelling fire policy will protect against named perils. So, if the peril is listed on your policy, your property is protected.
  • Colorado DP-2 is a step higher than a DP1 policy. It offers more protection and as a result, can cost a bit more. What you’re specifically covered varies from carrier to carrier, which is why it’s important to speak with an agent and review your risks and policy when enrolling.
  • Colorado DP-3 is not only the most common form of dwelling fire policy, but it’s also the closest to a traditional home insurance policy. It protects on an open peril basis. While the best landlord insurance in Colorado will be a policy that fits your needs and budget, this is the recommended form of coverage for all landlords.

Click here to learn more 

What Affects My Insurance Premiums?

Insurance companies consider several factors:

  • Locations of the rental properties.
  • Purchase dates and costs.
  • Enhancements made to properties, including tenant-led modifications.
  • Past insurance policies and claim histories.
  • Safety features, from alarms to guard animals.
  • Property size.

Determining the Cost of Landlord Insurance

When determining your premium, insurers evaluate:

  • Geographical location of the properties.
  • Acquisition details and values.
  • Alterations to the properties, by owners or tenants.
  • Historical insurance data and claims.
  • Security mechanisms.
  • Dimensions of each property.

Consult an Independent Insurance Agent for Rates

Navigating insurance on your own can be daunting, filled with intricate details. Enter our Colorado-based agents. With a vast knowledge pool, they facilitate rate comparisons seamlessly.

Independent agents can simplify your journey. They’re unbiased, enabling them to cherry-pick, compare, and craft the best coverage for you.

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Freedom Insurance Group
3861 Long Prairie Rd Ste 110
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Phone: (972) 798-3769


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SAT: 10:00 am- 2:00 pm
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